There’s a well-worn tradition of making resolutions at midnight at the start of the new year. Often those go by the wayside within days of their creation. Here we are at the end of the first month. How did you do? Or perhaps you resolved to do several things for your business at the start of 2019. What changes would you like to make? Anything new?
Be Realistic
Most resolutions fall by the wayside because they are not practical. Perhaps people want instant change or maybe they want things that would never or could not ever happen. It’s important to take a hard look at a goal you would like to achieve and create a timetable to celebrate the successes along the way. Instead of looking at the hoped-for end results, enjoy the process along the way. As for your business, what realistic changes would you like to embrace for this year? Plan your strategy and pinpoint due dates for the tasks along the way.
Start Small
If a resolution involves too many details, there are just as many reasons for it to become derailed. Instead of an overarching change, it’s better to focus on something reasonable that could be accomplished in a short time and then adding a follow-on goal to keep up the momentum. Tackling a huge change a bit at a time works better because it’s easier to manage. Remember the psychology of an improvement: if it’s too easy, it goes unappreciated; if it’s too tough, it’s tempting to quit. As for your business, often it’s more important to have small successes along the way rather than waiting and waiting and waiting for the end of a huge project. Sure, you can focus on that end goal, but section it off in smaller but related accomplishments.
Tell Others
When others know what you resolve to do, they may hold you to it. When you keep these promises secret only to yourself, you aren’t as accountable. You might very well let yourself off the hook. Talking to others also opens up your mind to other options, other ways to get to the finish line. As for your business, talking around the table about a topic or an issue will borrow from others’ perspectives and provide you different insights based on their experience and expertise.
Ask for Help
When reaching that goal becomes too much of a challenge for you, it is so tempting to let go of the plan. That’s why so many resolutions are not resolved! People give up. They shrug their shoulders. They decide why they didn’t want to do it anyway. Instead, ask for help. If there’s someone who has already met that goal, find out the how and why of it. As for your business, join a club or organization that focuses on improvement, on management, on success. For instance, if you will need to talk to others and make presentations, consider learning more about public speaking at a local Toastmasters Club. Or meet some of the community’s leaders by joining a civic or social organization and asking questions of the people you meet.
It’s not too late to make resolutions for improvement for yourself or for your business this year. We are certainly here to help you at Online Sales Pro. So much of a part of business success is communication – with current customers and those who will follow them – and we can help you with that and more!