Using Your Email Service Provider to the Max

Written by admin

On January 14, 2020

Are you using your Email Service Provider (ESP) to the max for your business?  Perhaps you use a few features learned along the way. Let’s take a look at all you can do by using your ESP to the max. For the purpose of this blog, we’ll use AWeber as our example.

Sending Email Messages

This may seem obvious.  Sure, you can send a message to a business prospect or to a current customer.  There’s more to it than that. Did you realize, though, that through an ESP like AWeber, you can add people to a list and send a Broadcast Email to them all?  You can schedule such a message so that even though you may have composed it days or weeks before, it can be sent at a particular time on a particular day.

When you set up what is called a Follow-Up Series in AWeber, you can create messages that will be sent out periodically to those on a list.   You can even define the number of days in-between each one sent. Business sure would run more smoothly if most people made an automatic decision to purchase your product or service.  That’s rarely the case. You can send out periodic email messages automatically. With these, capture their attention and provide more details about your product or service.  By doing this, you may very well transform from a prospect to a customer. Using your ESP, you need only create messages one time and then use them to send to different people.

Building a List of Contacts

First create what is called an opt-in or a landing page.  By clicking on a link, curious potential customers are taken to a form to provide their contact information.  They are then added to a list that you have created for this specific sales campaign. They will now get the series of email messages just like anyone else on that particular list.

The beauty of this process is that you can create several email campaigns with different opt-in pages.  Depending on a campaign’s opt-in page, contacts are added to a specific list. Let’s say, for example, that you would like to send out a Broadcast Email to those who are already customers to tell them about a sale you are having.  That would be a list you create using an ESP like AWeber. You could call that list Current Customers, for instance. Another list you may create would be for new prospects. You would add them to a list – perhaps called Prospects – and they would receive a Follow Up Series detailing your product or service and the advantages of it.  Your ESP keeps track of who is on which list and sends out any email messages you wish them to receive.

Keeping Track of Success

Perhaps you are curious about how many people on a particular list opened the last email message you sent in a Follow Up Series.  An ESP like AWeber does that for you. You can see at a glance the number of people who opened the message. You can also see how many of them clicked on a link in that message.  For instance, your messages may only have a 15% open rate. That’s wonderful news! If even one of those recipients becomes a customer, your marketing campaign is well worth it.

Obviously businesses out there take that chance. No wonder! Research shows us that people send out more than 150,000 email messages each minute of every day. You can analyze the messages you send. You can figure out why some have a higher open rate than the others. Perhaps it was the first one of the series.  Or maybe the subject line was more intriguing than others. These statistics that an ESP like AWeber provides for you can help you assess how things are going with your email sales campaigns.  

By using your ESP to the max, you can build your subscriber base and your sales.  Another way to maximize the work your ESP can do for you is to link it with a powerful software platform. A subscription to Online Sales Pro includes both the web and the mobile app, allowing you to monitor your campaigns from your phone. 

Also, OSP has templates for successful landing pages and training for you to learn how to better manage your online marketing efforts.  The team at Online Sales Pro has been helping thousands of online marketers. OSP has successfully generated over 20 million leads for their clients.  Boost your potential sales to the max by using your ESP and OSP in tandem! 

Don’t have an ESP just yet? Check out a 30 day free trial with AWeber.

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