I've Got a Secret!

Written by admin

On August 16, 2019

There’s nothing more contagious than a secret!  We all want to hear it. We want to see if it’s something we already know or if it’s some new intriguing detail!  And of course, as soon as someone says, “Don’t tell anyone!” — there are very few people who can resist. Now there’s a strategy for your business.  Sometimes in order to get the word out, you need to be hush-hush about it. Or maybe not.  Let’s find out which way works with you.

Being Hush-Hush

You want to get the word out, but you know that soon a new product will be introduced.  You still want customers to purchase what you are marketing now, but you also want your seasoned ones to be the first to know.  Basically, you’re stuck in the middle, not knowing which approach to take. Continue to market your current inventory, but add a teaser to your campaigns about what *might* be up ahead.  Tell them you’ll reveal the details as they are revealed to you. Slowly unfolding what’s up ahead will generate excitement, like each piece in a jigsaw puzzle. It’s not until all the pieces are in place that they will see how it all fits together.  Psst! You whisper. We’re working on the changes you’ve been asking about – so thanks for the feedback. A piece at a time…it’s almost like a whisper.

Being Viral

Want to catch their attention with a big splash?  Go viral. Show them something your customers will want to share with everyone they know.  How do you do it? You invest everything in the front end, hoping that it really DOES go viral. Be clever.  Perhaps it’ll be a crazy video. Think of the ones you’ve shared with family and friends before. Google “viral videos” and you’ll get a flavor of what actually does get passed all around.  Like the video where the man is giving CPR to a squirrel. Some are about animals; others are about people. Should you create a video, put it on YouTube to get the best coverage. Best not to make this your only marketing campaign, though, in case your video does not go very viral at all.

Whether you decide to be hush-hush or to rush-rush information out there about your business, the key is to let people know.  Highlight the features; focus on the functions – let others speak for you in testimonials – and use every platform there is. Try something new so that you can reach a different audience.  Tell them who you are and what you do and why they need exactly what you are selling.

Want to see some specific examples?  We’ve got just the marketing guide for you!  Free Traffic Foundations.  See ten different methods from viral blogging to social media groups.  How do you get a copy? Come join us at Online Sales Pro and learn all about marketing tactics that will help you get the word out there!  Don’t tell! It’ll be our little secret….

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