This pile is overwhelming, isn’t it? Postcards, photographs, and who knows what else. Organizing these may be a task that no one has yet tackled, but once it has been done, it would be easy to find one item out of all of these. The same thing happens in our Inbox. We get email messages from all over the globe about topics that run the gamut. Do we just let these messages add up, add up, add up – making our mailbox as overwhelming as this pile? Instead, we can use a mail management strategy to keep track of the messages we have on hand. Let’s look at this simple strategy using folders that begin with a T.
T is for Trash
The first T is that trash can that is right there to use when you are sorting through your mail. Much of what is sent to us is unsolicited junk mail. No reason to keep any of that. As soon as you suspect its worth – or lack of it – click on it and delete. You’ll see the number of messages in your Inbox shrink as you transfer them from your mailbox into the trash. Ahhh – what satisfaction there is when you empty the trash! Done and gone!
T is for Tell
Some messages may inspire some interest, but perhaps the focus is not your forte. Do you know someone who could tackle the task? Forward the message with a quick note at the start to let Joe or Josie know why you thought this might be of interest. As soon as the message is sent, you can save it in the Tell folder to follow up or move it to join its comrades who are already in the trash bin. Done and gone!
T is for Task
Some messages deserve an immediate response. Perhaps it’s something you must do – or undo – or redo – and you want to be punctual about it. Go ahead and tackle each one of those as soon as you read the details. Respond in whatever way is necessary and get the work done. Glance through the text to see what the gist of it is, and then get cracking. Once you have completed the task, delete the message and send off your response. You’ll have record of the task and your response in your Sent folder, so you are set. Done and gone!
T is for Time
Most messages do not warrant a quick reply. You’ve got time to do it. Maybe you have a day, maybe a week, maybe more. Create Time folders that focus on that detail: Time – End of the Day, Time – End of the Week, Time – End of the Month – and then put each message in the appropriate folder. Remember to circle back, depending on the time of the response needed. Removed from the inbox and filed away for later. Done and gone!
T is for Treasures
Perhaps Uncle Harvey sends you jokes. Maybe your sweetheart sends you photographs and poetry. Some other messages may be those that aren’t necessary but that you want to save. You don’t want to leave them in your Inbox. The name of this game is to have an EMPTY mailbox! So, file these in the Treasures folder for safe keeping. Done and gone!
Once all of these messages are in their place, you’ve no more messages in your Inbox. That was your aim – you are now keeping track of your mail by filing it where it needs to go. Tracking your messages and applying the T-Strategy to your Inbox are formidable tasks the first time around. Take the time to do it – even in installments if that’s all you can manage. Once your mailbox is cleaned up and each message is in a T-folder, it’ll be so much easier to manage your mail. Want to learn more about how you can manage your email rather than letting it manage you? Check out the marketing guide we have available on Email Marketing Secrets we have available for our Online Sales Pro customers. Getting organized and managing the details can make all of the difference!